Thanks to Andreas:
Cover sent from Finland to Portugal. With stamps that make part of a miniature sheet of four stamps as you can see on the other image.
First steps to Finland's independence!
As a result of the Russo-Swedish war of 1809, Finland’s centuries-long connection with Sweden were severed and Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire. The background picture to the 1809 Building a Nation miniature sheet shows the opening of the Diet of Porvoo, at which the new ruler, Tsar Alexander I (1777–1825, centre of the picture), declared his royal assurance. In the words of the Tsar, Finland became a “nation among nations”. Alexander I is also depicted on one of the stamps on the miniature sheet (from an original by François Gerard, 1814–1815, University of Helsinki).
The artwork of the Diet of Porvoo which forms the background picture to the miniature sheet was painted by R.W. Ekman in 1858. The work, which is in the Council of State, is a free copy of an original by the artist Emanuel Thelning (1767–1831), which is kept in the actual premises: now the chamber of the Porvoo Diocese Cathedral Chapter.
Designer: Tapani Aartomaa
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