Thanks to Tse Lai Kwong:
Cover sent from Hong Kong, China to
Portugal on 16-11-2008 with three
stamps and a Christmas postmark:

Stamp of 20¢: Collared Scops Owl - 2006 Hong Kong Definitive Stamps. Date of Issue: 31 December 2006. A common and ubiquitous resident which can be found in practically any wooded habitat. It is a medium-sized owl which shows ear tufts when alarmed. At night, it is recognised by its soft “hoo-oo” call, which is repeated at about ten-second intervals. It breeds in tree holes and also nest boxes installed in country parks. Category II protected species in China.

Heartwarming. Date of Issue: 10 Sep 2003. Following the successful launch in 2001 of the Personal Greetings special stamps which allowed customers to add their photos onto the tabs of the stamps, a set of Heartwarming Special Stamps with similar feature will be issued on 10 September 2003 (Wednesday). This is the first set of Hong Kong stamps without a value indicator. Each stamp comes with "Local Mail Postage" indication with the value equivalent to current postage of HK$1.40, or "Air Mail Postage" indication equivalent to the airmail postage of HK$3.00. Irrespective of future postage revision, "Local Mail Postage" may be used for mailing a first class local letter of the minimum weight step (30g) and "Air Mail Postage" for payment of postage of the minimum weight step (20g) for a Zone 2 airmail letter.

"Special Attractions of the 18 Districts in Hong Kong". Date of Issue: 18 July 2006. Hong Kong is small, but despite its size, the territory exudes charm in each of its districts, offering a kaleidoscope of attractions - trendy hot spots, state-of-the-art skyscrapers, historic architecture, venerable customs and bewitching landscapes.
Each of the stamps portrays three different elements of its own particular district. Some incorporate a cultural aspect as well as a famous landmark or a particularly popular shopping mall, others have a religious connection or a museum represented, and all are in one denomination only of HK$1.40.
The set of special stamps is designed by Ms. Shirman LAI and printed in photogravure by Joh. Enschede B.V., the Netherlands.
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